Resume Page

I am an avid hobbyist and mechanical engineer who enjoys working with hardware, electronics and software to create the ultimate project.

Below you will find several slow motion videos of my rocket project, Poindexter.

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Launch cam of Poindexter at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah on an M1315w. During this flight, the rocket achieved 17,531 ft in altitude and flew supersonic. Filmed at 210 FPS.

Launch in Pueblo Colorado on a sparky L motor. The force of this launch broke a leg on the launch pad and sent the rocket two miles off course. GPS tracking allowed me to recover the rocket intact next to a very large tree. Filmed at 210 FPS.

Flight Log

Here is an overview of each flight that Poindexter has been on. Interesting specs for the vehicle:
Max Altitude Flown
Top Speed
0-60 time
0-Mach1 time
Total distance flown
Total fuel used

Accelerometer Data

This data shows the acceleration incurred by the rocket, this includes launch, parachute deplyment, descent, and landing.

Still Pictures